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Issue 112


Issue 112 - what could be more appropriate than to examine the wankel technology in the history of the fire service!? But it's not just the special topic that offers entertainment!

The following additional topics can be found in issue 112:

  • 42nd international NSU meeting in Fieberbrunn
  • From the workshop: clutch (part 2)
  • Technology: headlight conversion
  • Reports from the regulars' table trips
  • and much more.

3 Editorial
4 News from the Executive Board
6 New members
7 The Ro 80-Youngtimer-Story (Part 2)

9 42nd International NSU meeting in Fieberbrunn
12 Review 42nd International NSU meeting in Fieberbrunn
17 Classic car meeting on the Schwägalp
18 Freiberg is rich in stones
20 Trip of regulars' table Northern Hesse
24 Bavarians, beer, 20 per cent and a few surprises
26 From the Frankenstammtisch in Ansbach with breakdowns

Fire brigade
28 Ehrsam ladder with Wankel drive
30 NSU works fire brigade
34 portable pumps with Wankel drive
41 Ro 80 fire brigade model cars
43 Blazing hot Ro 80
45 Fire brigade hovercraft with Wankel drive

Members report
46 Country outing with the Ro 80
48 The "Sixty Percent Tour"
50 My personal Ro 80 story
52 May I write a little about my Ro and myself?
54 "Gudensberg twins"

Technology, tips & tricks
55 Reports from the workshop
    - Function and troubleshooting of the automatic clutch (part 2)
58 Headlight conversion

Short & fruitful
59 The story behind the cover picture

All kinds of rotating things
60 Interview with Ro 80 drivers - the series
62 "Why I joined the Rotary Club"

Club service
66 Triangular pane short info
67 Classifieds
69 Club service
70 Imprint

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