Liquid coolant

Bild von RNapoli

Hello everybody.

I'm a new member of your fantastic Club.


I want to ask you an important question: what do you think about the "Evans Classic Cool 180" coolant for Ro80?
Have you ever used it for your car?


Thank you in advance,


hello raffaele,

welcome to the club!!!


I know the product . you can buy it in Germany . I think evans vintage cool is better . you need to check whether it tolerated for the RO80 . I have no experience with this cooling liquid . but I 've heard of it

it was developed especially for older vehicles and preventing the formations of new deposits. in the refrigeration system considerably less pressure, whereby the hoses, seals and the radiator are protected is obtainend.please check before use


greetings from germany





umm... but why exactly would anyone want to use something that costs roughly double the price of even the expensive "Glysantin Classic" and 4 times the price of "Glysantin G05"?


The latter being absolutely sufficient for the motor and way better than anything that was on the market when the motor was developed. Plus, being made from the company that most motors in Europe carry around.


So, is coolant liquid the new motor oil? I reckon you could open up a looooong thread of discussion about any liquid that our cars are being filled with.






das ist dann genau so eine Diskussion wie mit dem Motoröl.

Ob ich nun ein einfaches Produkt wähle oder ein Öl was teurer ist.

Die Frage ging doch darauf hinaus, ob dieses Produkt bekannt ist

und ob die etwaige Verwendbarkeit gegeben ist.

Was jeder  im Endeffekt einfüllt ist doch vollkommen egal.

Hauptsache die Verträglichkeit ist gegeben.


schöne Grüße


Wankel NF





Bild von Holger


und da der Hersteller nicht sagt, was in seinem Produkt drin ist, kann man die Verträglichkeit noch nicht mal abschätzen.

Der Hersteller macht nur Angaben dazu, was an anderen Produkten angeblich schlecht ist. Und er kennt solche Halbwahrheiten, wie "Wasser siedet bei 100 °C". Ob man den Temperatur-Arbeitspunkt des Motors wirklich erhöhen will, muss jeder selber entscheiden: "Evans Waterless Coolant - Increased operating temperature means the fan does not have to run as much, ..." (Zitat www . evanscoolants . com/). Und dass das neue Clubmitglied (?) als erstes auf ein Produkt hinweist, das sonst eher unbekannt ist, könnte auch auf geschicktes social media marketing hinweisen. Honi soit qui mal y pense. Ich werde das Mittel jedenfalls nicht ausprobieren.



das ist ja auch typisch für amerikanische Produkte, Vergleichswerbung ist bei uns ja nicht erlaubt.

aber davon mal ganz abgesehen, ich würde das Produkt auch nicht nehmen.

ich kenne es und habe mich mal damit beschäftigt.

Dafür ist unsere Plattform ja u.a. auch da.



Bild von RNapoli


I'm sorry, I didn't want to advertise any products in any way.

My problem is that I actually use the car especially during the summer and with hot weather (and going up-hill), I noticed the temperature of the engine rises too much.

I've recently found a "cooling additive" product that (they say) reduces the temperature of 15 degrees maximum. For me, it would actually be better with 4 or 5 degrees less.

I've tried it already and it seems to work. We'll see when it'll be hotter outside if it really works!



Bild von Pieter Jakobs

Dear Raffaele,


For safety reasons I would stick to the standard coolants that are permitted for the Ro80. I think that you have an issue with the radiator or the thermostat, the radiator can be choked by accumulated dirt, or the thermostat does not work properly. I would recommend to check that, it is a problem that occurs often after so many years,


Best regards and succes!!



Bild von Holger

Hi Raffaele,

Motor temperature is controlled by the temperature valve. As long as everything is in perfect shape It is not a good idea to try to reduce the temperature below the intended operating temperature of the motor. And the temperature valve would also prevent that this happens - by closing  / reducing cooling if temperature gets too low.

If the valve or the cooler does not work appropriately (eg blocked valve or clogging within the cooler), then not enough coolant is flowing through the system and a "better" cooling agent or "additive" might reduce (a too high) temperature - if it is able to transport more thermal energy with the reduced flow of coolant. But in both cases - defective valve or impaired cooler - the "better" coolant will not be able to compensate any grade of the defect. Sooner or later you will experience high temperatures also with the "better" coolant (if at all).

So imho the better way would be to repair / replace a defiective temperature valve or impaired cooler.

Btw: Why to you think your motor temperature is 4 to 5 degree (Celsius? Fahrenheit?) too high? This is almost nothing and may be more related to an error of measuring the temperature than an error of the cooling system. The meter in the dashbord is definitely not able to show this level of accuracy. And a certain temperature rise during high load / high ambient temperature is normal, nothing to worry about too much.





Bild von Ralf

When temp. goes too high under load/high rotation speed you could also consider the possibility of engine knocking...